Compostable wipes and bio-lubricants: Good for your bike and the planet
In our final publication of a three-part series, we demonstrate the efficacy of Bikey Wipes in a compost tumbler and what other elements are necessary to consider when cleaning your bike. Read on to find out why compostable wipes and biological lubricants are better, safer and more efficient for your bike and the planet!
Biodegradable vs Compostable Wipes: Does it make a difference?
This article is part two of a three-part series exploring greenwashing and the myths of biodegradable wipes and its comparison to compostable wipes. This second article the explores the misconceptions of labelling products as biodegradable and the differences in post-consumer life cycle compared to compostable wipes.
Sustainable Packaging
Learn more about our journey into sustainable packaging, critical considerations as a new product-based business in Australia and challenges around waste.